Saturday, 30 November 2013

Keep calm and craft

So, this month is The Stamping Chef's 1st birthday. The fabulous and generous Tamara has been sharing her art with us for one year, so this meant celebrations aplenty!

For members of the recipe page on facebook, there was an awesome compilation image Tamara made available for us to use to create a project of our liking with. As soon as I saw it, I loved the quirky mix of all the different objects, and how they all worked well together.

I finally got it coloured and made into a hanger for my newly decorated door, where I can hang my creations.

I decided to go simple with this one. I used 5 pens in total, has to be a new record for me for the least amount of pens used on an image!

Pens used:

Blue Grey 2, Blue Grey 3, Blue Grey 4, Frosted Pink, Sea Green (All Flexmarkers)

I have attached a light bulb shaped paper clip to the edge, craft usually spawns many ideas for me!

I decided to keep the objects outside of the bubble in tonal grey because for me crafting is my time. It is my chance to just sit and immerse myself in that world and stay there for a few hours, my down time, my escape and something that usually calms me and makes me happy. 

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