Wednesday, 24 October 2012

More craft fun..

95% of the time, when I make a mistake with my colouring - be it bleeding into an area that I can't cover, colour in the wrong area, or just a complete and utter balls up then it usually goes straight in the bin. Today though, was different. I have been working with the latest freebie digi from Saturated Canary, called Rose Red (as I am writing this I think the digi has now been moved over to the shop, Krista is only releasing freebies for a limited time now). 

The plan of action for this image was to colour it in two different ways, one with cool colours and one with warm colours (again inspiration came from Krista for this! See here)

So, with this in mind I coloured the backgrounds of 2 die cut ovals with the relevant tones using a technique I have fallen in love with using my neon markers from Letraset (have a look here to see what I am on about). I then set about colouring my images. This was going relatively to plan when I started colouring blue hair on the image that I had intended to be the 'warm' one.

So, I stopped and my initial thought was to bin the image (as I would normally do!) but I had a flash of inspiration, where I thought I could keep the colour in and make it look like her hair was dip-dyed. I have to say, it actually worked (I am quite surprised at this!) 

So here are the finished pieces:
So the image on the left is my happy accident, centre is the 'cool' option and right is the 'warm' option.

Warm colours

Cool colours

The happy accident

I am quite pleased with my happy accident, she looks almost slightly gothic, not a word I ever thought I would be using to describe something I have created! 

So I guess sometimes it is worth keeping those images I have made a mistake on to maybe create something better with it!

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